Secretaria General

Yaryna es una estudiante de Relaciones Internacionales de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Ha participado en relevantes Modelos de Naciones Unidas como URJCMUN o CLIMAMUN. Además, ha asistido a numerosos eventos culturales y sociales así como a un curso de debate durante su primer año de carrera. La apasiona el mundo del voluntariado habiendo colaborado con el Hospital Universitario Rey Juan Carlos y la asociación Helsinki - España dentro del programa "Jóvenes para Jóvenes".

Yaryna busca enriquecer sus conocimientos y mejorar sus habilidades de liderazgo y fotografía viviendo este proyecto como Directora de Prensa junto con su apreciado Equipo. Confía en cumplir vuestras expectativas por lo que pondrá el mejor esfuerzo y dedicación para hacer OEA's Model no una simple conferencia, si no una experiencia única e inolvidable.

Plena y ciegamente, Yaryna anima a todos a alzar la voz por todos aquellos que no pueden hacerlo, sin dejar de ser uno mismo. Y dejar huella creando un futuro mejor.



Sandra es una joven venezolana entusiasta de las relaciones internacionales y los DDHH.

Actualmente, cursa el tercer año del grado en Ciencias Políticas de la Universidad Carlos III. Comenzó a involucrarse en modelos de Naciones Unidas en su colegio a los catorce años. Además, fue moderadora de un comité innovador titulado "Proyecto País" y fue Secretaria General del Venezuelan International Model of United Nations en 2016. A día de hoy, Sandra continúa creciendo en el mundo de las simulaciones, ya que ha delegado en UC3MUN 2017 y 2018, y URJCMUN 2018. Asimismo, fue parte de la mesa de un comité en la primera edición de SYMUN y Secretaria General de CLIMA MUN 2018.

Sandra cree fielmente en la pasión y la dedicación como motores para alcanzar los sueños y aspira a culminar su formación en política, para generar un cambio positivo en su país. Está convencida de que las simulaciones internacionales pueden no cambiar el mundo, pero sí cambiar a las personas que van a hacerlo en el futuro.


Director de Logística

Juan Arconada is a second-year Law student at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. He had his first MUN experience back in 2016, when he discovered his passion for international relations and affairs. Since then, he has taken part in various MUNs both as a delegate and as part of the secretariat. After participating in the first OEA's Model edition in 2019 as USG for logistics, he decided to stay in the secretariat for its 2020 edition, to help in making of it a bigger and even more successful model in the Spanish MUN scene..


Director de Prensa

Jaime está cursando su tercer año de Relaciones Internacionales en la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Ha viajado alrededor del mundo incluyendo ciudades como Las Vegas, San Francisco y Nassau, lo que le ha proporcionado increíbles conocimientos sobre las diferentes culturas y una mente abierta respecto a las diferentes visiones del mundo. Sus aficiones son ayudar a las personas y, sobre todo, luchar por sus derechos como un apasionado defensor de éstos. También le gusta leer así como asistir a Modelos de Naciones Unidas. De esta forma, para él es importante participar en este proyecto como un pilar importante en el Equipo de Prensa porque es una experiencia fantástica y un reto excelente. 

Jaime sabe que OEA's Model es una experiencia distinguida para todos aquellos que quieren lograr un cambio importante dentro de la esfera internacional y luchan por él incansablemente, porque establece y confía en que el futuro de las personas que prueban las simulaciones está muy cerca de seguir los valores que el éste les ofrece.


Directora de Aplicaciones

Helen Souki is a Political Science student at the UC3M, who began her MUN career at 13 years old in her home country, Venezuela. Since then, she has participated in numerous MUN as delegate, chair, logistics, and applications team in national, as well as international conferences.

Helen is always committed to give her best regardless of the challenges and tasks she's facing, and this time, she is the Secretary General of UC3MUN and the Director of Applications and President of the House of Representatives Committee at OEAsMODEL.


Directora de Redes Sociales

Verónica Rondón is second year student of politics at the Universidad Autónoma. She has participated in numerous MUNs throughout the years, starting at the age of 14 in Colombia. Now, 6 years later, she is experiencing for the first time organizing an event. She hopes that OEA'S Model turns into an enriching experience for you, and hopes that you have as much fun as she has had organizing it for you.


Subdirector de Logística

Pablo Gómez Saborit is currently studying his second year of a double mayor in Economics and International Relations, at Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Since he was first introduced to the world of United Nations at his school, Pablo's passion and curiosity for international affairs and organizations has grown. In his freshman year, he had the chance to participate in COMPIMUN 2018 conference, where he got to know what the magic of MUNs was like. After that, Pablo has participated in other conferences such as UC3MUN 2019. His experience in organization dates back to 2017, when he was delivered the task of directing the debate club at his highschool. Currently, he is part of the organizing MUN team at his university, as well as part of OEA's team as deputy director of logistics. For this last conference, he is willing to do his best in order to ensure the best possible experience for delegates.


Subdirector de Prensa

He's David, an audiovisual communication and business student who's in love with photography, videography, and basically every visual media. He wants to share all of his experience and create a wonderful press team.


Subdirector de Aplicaciones

Hi there! My name is Santiago De Las Heras, I am 18 years old and I am going to start studying political science at Carlos III University this year. Since I was 15 years old I actively participate in the MUN's, starting in the High School cycle. For the year 2016-2017 I worked as a MONUCR Academic Coordinator, a renowned academic event in Venezuela at the High School level and for 2017-2018 I held the position of Academic Secretariat of the same model.

I can talk about more experiences like my first University model or my most shocking moments when delegating, but why talk about the past and not look into the future? OAS's MUN is my next experience to tell. Will it be yours too?


Subdirectora de Redes Sociales

Sol Ailen Oddone, is a happy and idealist americanist born in Buenos Aires Argentina. Currently, she is studying at the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, where she participates in different activities of academic debate about international affairs. Her trayectory includes a long history in cultural activities around the world, travelling to Poland, United Kingdom Belgium, and many other places. Her expectatives in OEAs Model is built with debate, and a spark of fun and empathy, a kind of America's family using the problems to create new a better opportunities to get more rights to more people

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